Thursday, July 28, 2011

Simul info, August Schedule, July Swiss Final Results

The crosstable for the GCCJuly11Swiss can be found here.

Congratulations to Don for winning the U1500 section with 3.5 points for a clear first and an initial rating of 1551 (you are no longer eligible for the U1500 section). Honorable mention to William for tying for second with Forrest and for gaining 34 points and jumping into Class "D" at 1204.

Congratulations to Anthony and Dannie for tying for first in the Open section with 3.0 points. Anthony gained 25 points to jump into Class "A" at 1810. Dannie had a 60 point rating gain (regular: 1719) and a 125 point(!) rating gain on his QC rating to 1581(P20).

Just a reminder--no meeting on August 3rd (library closed). I'm hoping for an excellent turn-out for our August 10 simul with several players already pre-registered. I'm asking for those that wish to play to contribute $5 towards an honorarium for NM Alexander Balkum (USCF 2219) to thank him for volunteering to come to our club and perform a simultaneous exhibition.

Our August schedule is tenative as follows:

August 10th -- unrated simultaneous exhibition by NM Alexander Balkum--everyone welcome to play.

August 17th -- unrated Blitz tournament Game\5 --free entry-- number of rounds determined by entries--everyone is welcome to play.

August 24th --  unrated Quick Chess tournament Game\15 --free entry-- three round swiss system--everyone is welcome to play.

August 31st -- unrated Action tournament Game\30 --free entry-- two round swiss system in 4 person sections--everyone is welcome to play.

September 7th will be the start of our September Swiss Game\60 inc 15 4-SS Two sections Open and U1500 Entry fee: $2 -- you must be a USCF member to play in this event.

If you're interested in playing chess, August will be a great month to try out our club! Hope to see you at these events.

Finally, for those interested in printing out the article and game from Wednesday's discussion the link can be found here.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Fourth Round Pairings, Third round results

Thomas S. v Forrest


Herb      Dannie
Anthony Frank
Thomas G. Nam
Dang      Emily
Khoa     Calvin

Frank v. WCM Emily


Don      William
Forrest  Anh
George  Rohan
Thomas S.--Bye--1.0

Nam v. Dannie


Herb    .5    Anthony   .5
Dannie  1    Nam         0
Emily    0     Frank       1
Thomas G. 1 Khoa      0
Dang    .5    Calvin      .5


Anh      0   William   1
Rohan   0   Don       1
Thomas S. 0 Forrest 1

William v. Anh

Reminder: No meeting on August 3 and the Simul tenative for August 10th.

My apologies to all those who received a spam. My email has been hacked again. If anyone has any tips on how to prevent this let me know.

Casual Game

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Third Round Pairings, Second Round Results


Herb            Anthony
Dannie         Nam
Emily           Frank
Thomas G.  Khoa
Dang           Calvin


Anh          William
Rohan       Don
Thomas S. Forrest

Frank  0     Herb    1
Anthony 1  Khoa    0
Dannie  .5  Emily    .5
Nam    1    Dang     0
Calvin   .5  Thomas G. .5

William   1  Thomas S.  0
Forrest   .5  Don   .5
George   0   Anh    1
Rohan  Bye--1.0

Just a reminder: The Waco tournament is this Saturday, July 23rd. See Forrest for details.
Also please note that the library will be closed August 1-5th so no meeting on Wednesday, August 3rd.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Revised Pairings Round Two

Open Section

Frank    Herb
Khoa    Dannie
Calvin   Dang

Thomas G.-Rohan  (House Game)


William   Thomas S.
Forrest    Don
George   Anh

Thomas G-Rohan (House Game)

Note: Thomas G. and Rohan will receive 1.0 byes in their respective sections but are paired for a house game. Since we have an odd number of players in each section there should be a house game each week between the players that would otherwise be receiving byes in their section.

Friday, July 8, 2011

2nd Round Pairings

Here are the pairings for round two.

Open section

Thomas G.   Frank
Calvin          Dannie


George      Forrest
Rohan        Don
William      Thomas S.

Looks like we might be able to arrange a simul by a local Austin Master (USCF 2219) for August 10th. If we are going to do this I would like to get firm committments to attend (and play) from our members. I will have a sign-up sheet next Wednesday.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

July Tourneys and August tenative schedule

The start of the lecture series seemed to be well received although we will have to adjust the timing. The interactive lecture lasted from 5:30 to 6:00 as we covered the middlegame attack and final moves of the Steinitz-Von Bardeleben game from Hastings, 1895.

Adding the Under 1500 section seemed popular as well with entries roughly evenly split among the open and u1500 sections.

Next week I will try to start the lecture by 5:15 pm in order to finish by 5:45 pm and let the games begin.

Since we are seeing an influx of new players who are not yet USCF members, we will offer a series of one night events in August with at least one unrated section. Some of the suggestions/options for the 5 Wednesdays in August include Game\5 blitz, Game\15 Quick Chess (rated/unrated--swiss or quads), Game\30 with 4 person sections 2 rounds in one night, variants include a thematic night with all games requiring the first few moves of a specific opening (i.e. Ruy Lopez, Queen's Gambit, etc.). A simul if we can lure/hire an austin master to come to Georgetown. Thomas G. has suggested dividing the club and playing a consultation game, of course this opens up all sorts of possibilities--group consulting, alternating each team member in turn to make one move without communication, candidate move voting, etc.

All suggestions welcome. Email me or add to comments below.